Maui Rekōdo

Maui Rekōdo

Maui Rekōdo / 馬哇レコード [Maui Record], (Wailuku, HI)

Maui Rekōdo Masthead

The Maui Rekōdo, begun by Nagao Ōtsuka in Maui in 1916, advocated permanent settlement of the Japanese in Hawaii, assimilation of the second generation into the United States, and a peaceful US-Japan relationship. The paper opposed the 1920 strike and supported the government policy in the Japanese-language school dispute. An English section was added in 1928. Similar to its rival paper Maui Shinbun, a large section of the paper was allocated to advertisements. The rest of the paper consisted of editorials, local news, articles, and other stories.


Ebihara, Hachirō 蛯原八郎. 1936. Kaigai hōji shinbun zasshishi : furoku, Kaigai hōjin gaiji shinbun zasshishi 海外邦字新聞雜誌史 ; 附錄. 海外邦人外字新聞雜誌史. Tōkyō 東京: Gakuji Shoin 學而書院.

Hawaii Newspaper Project, Sophia McMillen, and Nancy Jane Morris. 1987. Hawaii Newspapers: A Union List. [Honolulu]: n.a.

Hawai Nihonjin Iminshi Kankō Iinkaiハワイ日本人移民史刊行委員会. 1964. Hawai Nihonjin iminshiハワイ日本人移民史. Edited by James H. Okahata. Honoruru-shiホノルル市: Hawai Nikkeijin Rengō Kyōkai布哇日系人連合恊会.

Sakamaki, Shunzo. 1928. “A History of the Japanese Press in Hawaii.” MA thesis, History and Political Science, University of Hawai’i.