Santō Jiji

Santō Jiji

Santō Jiji / 山東時事 [The Santo Times], (Denver, CO)

Santō Jiji Masthead

The Santō Jiji was a daily newspaper established after the merger of the Denba Shinpō and the Kororado Shinbun in 1917, and it later became the Kakushū Jiji (Colorado Times). The publisher and editor was Kakutarō Nakagawa. Santō Jiji featured a wide range of articles from the world news to local tabloid news. The small size of the Japanese community in Colorado made publication of the Japanese newspaper financially challenging.


Ebihara, Hachirō 蛯原八郎. 1936. Kaigai hōji shinbun zasshishi : furoku, Kaigai hōjin gaiji shinbun zasshishi 海外邦字新聞雜誌史 ; 附錄. 海外邦人外字新聞雜誌史. Tōkyō 東京: Gakuji Shoin 學而書院.

Rokkī Jihōsha絡機時報社. 1925. Sanchūbu to Nihonjin山中部と日本人. Salt Lake City 鹽湖市: Rokki Jihōsha絡機時報社.

“Sanō jiji saikan ni nozomite 山東時事 再刊に臨みて.” Sanō Jiji (Denver, CO) March 13, 1917. Accessed April 8, 2019.

“Denba shinpō no saikan傳馬新報の再刊.” Nichibei Shinbun (San Francisco, CA) March 18, 1917. Accessed April 8, 2019.

“Sanchubu dōhō no shihō Nakagawa Kakutarō shi shikyo山東部同胞至寶 中川角太郎氏死去.” Taihoku Nippō (Seattle, WA) September 8, 1941. Accessed April 8, 2019.

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