

Daikōhō / 大贛報, (Nanchang, China)

Daikōhō Masthead

The Daikōhō was published by the Japanese army stationed in Nanchang, Jiangxi province from August 1, 1941. The newspaper succeeded the battleground paper the Daishihō put out by the Japanese army press on the ground. The publication was managed by Nanshō Kōaro Dōmei Yasen Shikyoku (the field office of the national news agency Dōmei Tsūshin located on the Kōa street, Nanchang). The paper states that it exclusively features news dispatched by Dōmei.


“Shukuji butaichō 祝辞部隊長.” Daikōhō 大贛報 (Nanshō, [China]) August 1, 1941. https://hojishinbun.hoover.org/en/newspapers/dkh19410801-01.1.1

Nagao, Yōshirō長尾 庸四郎; Yasushi Asakura浅倉 泰; Nisaburō Kajitani 梶谷 二三郎; Ohara, Shizuo小原 静雄. “Sōkan ni saishite創刊に際して” Daikōhō 大贛報 (Nanshō, [China]) August 1, 1941. https://hojishinbun.hoover.org/en/newspapers/dkh19410801-01.1.6

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