Hawai Hōchi

Hawai Hōchi

Hawai Hōchi / ハワイ報知 [The Hawaii Hochi], (Honolulu, HI)

Hawai Hōchi Masthead

Established in 1912 by Frederick Kinzaburō Makino as the voice of the Japanese migrant workers in Hawaii, the Hawai Hōchi brought social activism in journalism to the Japanese community in Hawaii. The paper increasingly supported nationalism in Japan in the 1930s. The English section began in 1925; today the Hawai Hōchi is the only daily Japanese-language newspaper in Hawaii.


Ebihara, Hachirō 蛯原八郎. 1936. Kaigai hōji shinbun zasshishi : furoku, Kaigai hōjin gaiji shinbun zasshishi 海外邦字新聞雜誌史; 附錄. 海外邦人外字新聞雜誌史. Tōkyō 東京: Gakuji Shoin 學而書院.

“Hawaii-Hochi, Connecting between Japan and Hawaii.” 2016. https://www.thehawaiihochi.com. Sakamaki, Shunzo. 1928. “A History of the Japanese Press in Hawaii.” M.A. thesis, History and Political Science, University of Hawai’i.

Shiramizu, Shigehiko白水繁彦. 1986. “Hawai Nikkei shinbunjin no tekiō no sutratejī ハワイ日系新聞人の適応のストラテジー.” In Beikoku shoki no Nihongo shinbun米国初期の日本語新聞, edited by Norio Tamura 田村紀雄and Shigehiko Shiramizu, 279-310. Tōkyō東京: Keisō Shobō: 勁草書房.

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